Looking Deeply is a quarterly publication that prompts artists with a topic and showcases their work.

Each issue takes notice of the seasonal solstices and equinoxes; an astronomical occurrence which marks a turning point in the seasons. As lead designer, I wanted the design to convey a sense of open air and life in a minimalist environment, allowing the reader to fully immerse themselves in the art.

Issue I

*an ode to winter:

to reflecting inwards,

to honoring light and its shadows,

to seeing the color blue,

to temporal transitions,

to noticing your surroundings,

to looking deeply at small things.

Issue II

*an ode to spring:

to the equal hours of day and night,

to seeking balance,

to cultivating routines and rituals,

to practicing patience,

to finding meaning in the making,

to creation and renewal,

to looking deeply at small things.

Issue III

*an ode to summer:

to the inhale of growth,

to opening up your windows,

to gathering seasonal goods,

to observing new life,

to celebrating longer days than nights,

to self reflection,

to looking deeply at small things.